My name is Börge and I am a postdoc in the group of Prof. Ingrid Mertig in Halle, Germany.
I am a theoretical physicist working in the field of condensed matter physics with a
special focus on magnetic systems.
My research explores the interplay between chirality and transport of charge, spin and orbital angular momentum.
I investigate how topological spin textures, such as skyrmions, give rise to new, emergent phenomena.
In several collaborations with experimentalists we explore new systems with a focus on two-dimensional materials.
Besides doing fundamental research, I aim to contribute to the development of next-generation spintronic and orbitronic devices, with potential applications in quantum computing, memory storage, and neuromorphic computing.
If you want to get in contact, please feel free to write me an email
We stabilize and predict new magnetic whirls and investigate their electrodynamics.
[Göbel et al. Physics Reports (2021) CC-BY 4.0]
Review paper:
Physics Reports (2021)
Observing fractional skyrmions:
Nature Communications (2022)
Observing elliptical skyrmions:
Nature Communications (2020)
Prediction of bimerons:
Physical Review B (2019)
We investigate how the orbital moment of electrons can be used for novel effects.
[Göbel et al. Phys. Rev. Lett (2024) CC-BY 4.0]
Orbital Quantum Hall effect:
Physical Review Letters (2024)
Topological orbital Hall effect:
Communications Physics (2025)
Orbital CISS effect:
arXiv (2025)
Orbital Edelstein effect:
Physical Review Research (2021)
We optimize two-dimensional electron gases and magnetic systems for applications.
[Göbel et al. Science Adv. (2022) CC-BY 4.0]
Switching of chiral textures in Mn3Sn:
Science Advances (2022)
Rashba splitting in KTO 2deg:
Nature Communications (2022)
Self-intercalation in van der Waals material:
Nature Communications (2022)
Record spin-to-charge interconversion:
Nature Materials (2019)
We analyze the stability and predict new non-collinear spin textures including skyrmions,
antiferromagnetic skyrmions,
fractional skyrmions
and others.
Furthermore, we investigate their emergent electrodynamics such as the
topological Hall effect, the
magnetoelectric effect
and their
current-driven motion
and propose their application in
racetrack storages, for
neuromorphic computing and
other spin-orbitronic devices.
The publications include collaborations with the groups of Prof. Stuart Parkin, Prof. Daniel Loss, Prof. Gen Tatara, Prof. Oleg Tretiakov and Prof. Christos Panagopoulos.
A magnetic skyrmion consists of non-collinear magnetic moments: the colored arrows in the figure above. It is topologically non-trivial,
since it cannot be continuously transformed into a ferromagnetic state. This property, characterized by its integer topological charge
Q = 1, gives
it an enourmous stability which appears to be favorable for data storage applications. In fact, skyrmions can be generated,
deleted, driven by currents and read by their unique Hall signature. Therefore, they can be considered the carriers of information
in racetrack storage devices where the presence and absence of a skyrmion at predefined positions in a magnetic stripe corresponds to
bits of 0 and 1.
Topological Hall effect
Skyrmion Hall effect
A major research focus is on circumventing the short-comings of conventional magnetic skyrmions:
Both problems are critical as they will lead to a malfunction of the data storage due to a
loss or change of information.
(1) The transverse motion, identified as the skyrmion Hall effect, can be surpressed by using alternative magnetic objects.
This includes objects with a vanishing topological charge, like the antiferromagnetic (AFM) skyrmion, but also objects with
a broken rotational symmetry, like bimerons or antiskyrmions.
(2) To nullify the detrimental effect of irregular
distances between the bits, one could represent the bits by two topologically distinct objects.
We have shown that this is possible due to the coexistence of skyrmions and antiskyrmions in Heusler materials.
The field of orbitronics is concerned with the orbital angular momentum of electrons.
We investigate the following effects:
The orbital angular momentum can be generated at an atom by hybridization of atomic orbitals or by
inter-site hybridization.
In the image below, an orbital current is generated based on inter-site hybridization.
I am most interested in the orbital Hall effect. In a recent publication, we show that the famous quantum Hall effect is accompanied by an orbital Hall effect.
Our quantum mechanical calculations fit well the semiclassical interpretation in terms of "skipping orbits".
Physical Review Letters (2024)
[Göbel et al. Phys. Rev. Lett (2024) CC-BY 4.0]
Likewise, the topological Hall effect of skyrmions is accompanied by a topological orbital Hall effect.
antiferromagnetic skyrmions and antiferromagnetic bimerons that have a compensated emergent field, exhibit a topological orbital Hall conductivity that is not accompanied by charge transport and can be orders of magnitude larger than the topological spin Hall conductivity.
arXiv (2024)
The field of two-dimensional systems is closely related to many of the previously presented topics. For example, skyrmions are two-dimensional object that are extended as tubes along the third dimension and the quantum Hall effect appears only in two-dimensional samples. My research topics that have not been discussed so far are:
We calculate the anomalous, spin and orbital Hall effect of coplanar spin textures in materials such as Mn3Sn.
In an experimental collaboration with the groups of Prof. Stuart Parkin and Prof. Claudia Felser we have simulated and observed the switching of the non-collinear magnetic domains.
Science Advances (2022)
[Göbel et al. Science Adv. (2022) CC-BY 4.0]
In experimental collaborations with the groups of Dr. Manuel Bibes, Prof. Albert Fert, Dr. Laurent Vila and others, we model the electronic structure of two-dimensional electron gases, such as STO/AlO and KTO/AlO, and calculate their spin- and orbital-to-charge conversion to understand the experimental observations.
In KTO/AlO we have experimentally resolved the Rashba splitting, as shown in the image below.
Nature Communications (2022)
[Göbel et al. Nature Commun. (2022) CC-BY 4.0]
Furthermore, we have observed non-collinear spin textures stabilized due to intercalation in van der Waals materials such as CrTe2 and Fe3GaTe2.
Nature Communications (2022)